Thursday, 21 June 2012

Niacin Handout: Proven strategy to lower cholesterol levels

Niacin is a vitamin that can be used to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. There are different forms of niacin including nicotinic acid, niacinamide, and inositol hexanicotinate. Only the nicotinic acid form has been shown to be effective for improving your cholesterol. Most niacin labeled as "non-flush" is inositol hexanicotinate and it really does not work.Niacin handout is available at The Care Group Shop, vitamin stores, health food stores etc.

Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is uncontrollable urge to move the legs in order to stop uncomfortable sensations in the lower extremities. These uncomfortable feelings, which usually occur at night, are variously described as electrical, creeping, painful, itching, and pins-and-needles. Movement, usually walking, brings immediate, although often only temporary, relief. Contact Dr. Guillory, M.D. for RLS treatment or visit

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Bio identical hormone replacement therapy: Improving your health and quality of life

It is inevitable that every human being will experience a gradual decline in their health as they age and be exposed to a multitude of toxins. These factors contribute to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, adverse conditions and notable changes in the body – including menopause and per menopause in women. 

At The Care Group, we offer Bioidentical hormone therapy & practice test, treat and retest so that we can ensure that patients' hormones are balanced to optimal levels.

Functional Hypothyroidism

Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism in every cell so a deficiency can affect all body functions. Deficiency may due to lack of stimulation from the pituitary, defective hormone synthesis or impaired conversion of hormones. Primary deficiency stems from defective thyroid synthesis. It is a common hormone disorders. This functional hypothyroidism problem has many manifestations like - fatigue, weight gain, difficulty staying warm, headaches etc.

Visit The Care Group P.C for detailed study on Hypothyroidism. For More information read our original article Functional Hypothyroidism

Monday, 2 April 2012

Food Allergy Test in Aurora

 Is your food is making you sick? Get answer to this most common problem. Food allergies & food sensitivities are same thing according to Dr. Gerard L. Guillory

Use Nasal Irrigation & Keep Sinuses Healthy

As we breathe, our nose acts as a filter for dirt, dust and pollen. In cold dry winter
weather, the nose also humidifies and warms incoming air
Numerous studies using nasal irrigation in patients with respiratory infections have proved nasal irrigation's effectiveness. Read original article about Nasal Irrigation Aurora

Gluten Sensitivity on the Rise

Gluten sensitivity is more common than medical experts once believed, affecting perhaps as much as 1 percent of the U.S. population. The symptoms of this condition also referred to as celiac disease, can be widely varied and highly unpleasant. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye and food products such as breads and pastas that are derived from these grains.

Visit The Care Group P.C for gluten sensitivity treatment. For more information read our original article about gluten sensitivity.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Vitamin D and Iodine Deficiency

Visit The Care Group P.C. to know about problems associated with Vitamin D & Iodine's deficiency. These two components play a vital role in metabolic process of body. Visit The Care Group P.C. to know about different problems & symptoms associated with deficiency of this two hormones.

Get Off from Gluten sensitivity

Through Research it is estimated that 1 in 5 Americans have some form of gluten sensitivity. In eliminating gluten, patients have boosted their body’s immune system, decreased a variety of chronic gastrointestinal problems, decreased the severity of their anemia, and even increased bone density.

With The Care Group early diagnosis for treatment of autoimmune diseases like gluten sensitivity or celiac disease is possible. Visit us for Gluten Sensitivity Treatment or read original article at